How to add Dynamic Google Sheets to your Sales.Rocks campaign

  1. Overview
  2. Tutorial Videos
  3. How to add Dynamic Google Sheets to your Sales.Rocks campaign

In this quick tutorial, you can learn the steps on how to upload dynamic Google Sheets for an evergreen campaign on Sales.Rocks and how it works.


ℹ️ INFO:

  • The dynamic process re-reads your uploaded list every 24 hours and checks for new contacts. If there are new contacts added from your side, we take those and enrol them in the campaign based on your selected schedule.

  • If the campaign reaches the “finished” state, we will be checking for an additional 15 days if there are new contacts added to your Google Sheet and start the campaign automatically for the new entries in those 15 days.

  • Make sure you use the chosen Google Sheet for 1 campaign only! If you upload the same Sheet in another campaign, and you’ve selected the Sheet to be with a dynamic upload, new contacts would be enrolled in all campaigns connected to that list.

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