Subscription for Email Warmer

  1. Overview
  2. Email Warmer
  3. Subscription for Email Warmer
Before any subscription is made, you'll need to create a Sales.Rocks account first, which makes you a Freemium user after the registration ✔️
We have different User & Credits packages for all company sizes, types and targets, by offering ⬇️
  1. Half-yearly Subscription
  2. Annual Subscription 
To subscribe to your preferred plan ⬇️ 
  1. Go to your profile on
  2. Click on the "Pricing Plans" field
  3. Select your subscription plan and click on the "Upgrade" button 
Check related articles for more info regarding all the subscription plans in detail in case you're having doubts or something is unclear before you make any purchase! 💸
Note: There is no separate subscription for the Email Warmer and ONLY warming up your email accounts.
All subscription packages include all of our platform features: The Company Search, The Contact Search, The Sales Toolkit (Email Verifier tool, Phone Verifier tool and Bulk Extractor tool), the Drip Campaigns, the Email Warmer and the Chrome Plug-in 🤗

If you believe you won't ever need anything else on our platform except the Email Warmer, please reach out to us on 📧

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